Last Friday my grandson Richard took the day off to spend the day here mowing and doing all of those little jobs, like change light bulbs, etc. that so often need doing but which I have a tendency to let pile up. It was delightful to have him around as he has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh. About noon, my daughter Joan arrived. She had just returned from a trip to Oklahoma to see her step-son and his family and had been gone for 2 weeks. After a lot of good chatter we decided, on the spur of the moment, to go to our favorite Chinese place to eat, all in all a great day. I loved having mother and son together with me. A rare treat!
On Saturday morning I went to the Valley Mall to get a hair cut - badly needed! When I came out of the mall I noticed that my car seemed reluctant to start and halfway across the parking lot I knew that I was in trouble. It ran like a bucking bronco! I coaxed it all of the way home. Believe me, a lot of prayers went streaming up to heaven in the next 30 minutes. I made it and of course, I called Richard for help. He came on Sunday morning and installed new spark plugs and wires and I was in business again. Without wheels I am like a caged lion - or someone with no arms.
So, the car working again I went to Barb T's on Sunday to a social hook-in. It was a lot of fun. This is a very nice group of talented hookers about 12 in all.
On Monday I decided that the weather was cool enough to get in the dye pots again. Soooo, some casserole dyeing was in order. This is what the wool looked like before adding the dye.
Next two pictures are dye added to the pans.
Last picture - finished product. The colors are a bit brighter than the picture. I took this outside on the drying rack and it was very sunny. I am very pleased with the results of the days dyeing. I actually did four pieces, 2 of which are not dry at this time.
My final thoughts for this posting are on the weather. It is so wonderful that all must be right with the world. Be sure to get outside and walk for health and enjoy what mother nature has given us. Until I see you soon, good health, lots of happiness, and be sure to tell your family that you love them.
Oh, Doris, the dyed piece with the pink, green and blue is just lovely! Hope your car is behaving itself properly now. Will you be coming to the hook-in at rant Street on Thurs?
Hi Pat - I hope to make it Thursday - If the car is fixed - I am leary about driving a broken down old thing to Chambersburg (LOL)
Glad you like the dyeing.
Love your dyed pieces, really neat colors and the way your bunched them up.
Gorgeous pieces Doris! Lovely colors. Looked like a really nice time at your hook-in. Hope to see you soon..
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