Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I have been very frustrated for the past week and unable to update my blog because my computer has a mind of its own! For some unknow reason, to me, the computer decided to no longer tell me where it was putting my pictures when I transferred them from the camera. I find using the computer one big mystery - even Basil Rathbone could not solve.
On Saturday Traci, Elinor and I ventured to Sterling, Va. to the Goose Creek Hookers Hook-in. This turned out to be a great adventure. First, we decided to listen to Tom-Tom but we didn't like what the lady was telling us so we looked at MapQuest that Traci had printed out. Very conflicting instructions. After about an hour, and a few run-abouts we arrived at our destination. Believe it or not, we were a bit early so ventured to the shopping center to visit McDonalds. That proved to be another interesting trip. The layout of the shopping center was done by a cross-eyed engineer and confusion reigned!
However, we did finally get something to eat and then were on our way back to the church meeting place. This proved to be a most delightful hook-in. My guess is that about 75-100 people were in attendance. It was held in the church recreation hall, a very large room, with several smaller rooms leading off of the main corridor. The room was extremely well lit, which is so important to hookers. The smaller rooms housed the vendors leaving plenty of room in the main area for hookers. A most pleasing arrangement. The co-chair persons, Anne Geiger and MaryAnne Harden, did a wonderful job of preparing and seeing that everyone was confortable. Raffles were held every hour on the hour and a very nice rug show also was hung for all to see.
The following pictures are from that show. I did not attempt to get all of the rugs nor did I get names of those that hooked the rugs or titles of the rugs. I hope that you will enjoy seeing what some of the rug makers in Virginia are creating.
Sarah Provence
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
It began to snow about 5 pm on Monday evening, just a lightly snow that felt a bit wet. Not big flakes, not small flakes, just white fluff drifing down from the heavens above. Eloise and I did not think much about it since it had been forcast most of the day. We went to bed at our usual time and were surprised when we arose this morning to see about 2 inches on the ground.
brown so she can be seen in the snow.
For someone that hates rain she is
very adept with snow.
picture. These are my neighbors horses
picking for grass thru the snow.
This was a very picturesque scene and
oh, so peaceful and serene,
shovel. He purchased a snow blower
last year but still prefers to shovel.
Silly boy!
This was my first knowledge that
there was an inch of ice on top of
the snow. What a slippery mess.
see these barren branches against the sky
I know that Mother Nature is showing us
the beauty of her world.
are a thing of beauty to me and inspire me
to know that all will be right with
the world.
Hard to find a more beautiful sight.
It's the small things of life that are so
important, just looking around us and
seeing our world for what it is.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
What is it with garages? How do they get in such a state? Mine is a mess. I have two 18 foot freezers in the garage and I go to them frequently. Since I live some distance from the grocery and I have a teaching schedule to keep and I love going to hook-in's, I try to cook ahead and keep several months food on hand, especially in the winter.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Yesterday it snowed, not as much as we usually get, but more than a dusting. I am guessing about an inch or so. It was a beautiful sight altho we all know that it plays havoc with motorists. In the early evening, just as it was getting dusky, Eloise wanted to go out into her play yard. As I opened the door the beautiful white flakes were slowly wafting down. The white dog exploded into the flakes with the speed of Superman. The white dog in the white flakes, leaving a trail of vapor and a plume of snow behind. After the run, rolling in the snow, creating doggy snow angels. What a delight. Never a day goes by that Eloise does not bring joy into our home.
by Joan S. She started this rug
at the Buckeystown Rug Workshop
last October or November
corners. Designed by Jeniece F. and being
hooked by her.
by Judith. Judith likes to hook seasonal
rugs in the season. This rug was started in
October - love the crow!
are Peg V's rugs. Some of these pictures
may be duplicates of Pat's posting.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
All summer and early fall the news media and many areas of cyberspace informed us of how angry the American people were. Were they reporting facts or merely stirring up trouble? I never felt angry. Instead I wondered why those of us that love this country, and took the time to vote, were not giving our President and Congress positive reinforcement in helping them to do the business of the people. Now I am angry! Angry at the happening in Arizona. Angry that the people of this country seem to have so little interest in and compassion for the brotherhood of mankind. I could write a very long commentary on my feelings but instead I will merely quote Pogo:
Friday, January 7, 2011
It looks much more orange in the picture
Or you can do as our Canadian friend Julia
did and use onion skins. (this darn computer
has a mind of its own) for skin tones. The
picture above is material dyed with light
onion skins.
This is the result when using darker skins.
Just don't use the skins from red onions.
The weather man forcast snow for this area last night. Eloise always has a reaction to the cold.
Yes, there she is folks. In the middle of that heap. Her sentiments about snow!
Jen thanks for reading my blog. It was so nice to get your comment. I have been asked to do the February program at the Boonsboro ATHA meeting. I will be showing "that rug" that you thought was Cynthia's among others. Hope to see you there! Please keep reading, I love your comments.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
view is with the background in around her. I
love the fact that she turned out cross-eyed, it
touches my sense of humor.
displeased with the materials I had for the face
and bodies of Adam and Eve. So this morning I
got myself in gear and soaked some wool. I used
Chroma Chraft Formula #11 which I have used
many times for skin and face and dyed only
4 values. The results are what you see in