IT'S SUNDAY -Yep, it's Sunday. It's a cloudy ugly looking day. The weatherman says that it is going to rain. He knows how I hhhhhate rain - so why does he do that? It 8am and I'm just where any self respecting girl should be.
It really is comfy and warm here.
My mom has been rattling around in the kitchen for some time. I smell the coffee brewing so I guess she is half awake. Ho! Ho! I smell blueberry muffins - think I'll get up! They are sure delicious. My mom shares them with me because I know how to get that "poor" dog look. I really am a bit too fat but at my age who cares? Not like I'm on the look out for a good looking guy.
Our mail lady's name is Diane. She is a nice lady. About twice a week she leaves me a puppy bone in the mail box. She knows that I like her even tho I bark when she comes. Today is what I call "moving day." It's the day that I move my stash of bones (I have a stash of bones instead of wool) off of the foot of mother's bed and hide them. I always know where they are - you can't fool me - so DON'T MOVE THEM when your are cleaning.
Gotta go now and take care of this biscuit. Hope you all have a wonderful week. My mom has lots of things to do this week so guess I will spend some days alone. Think about me and know that I will be interested in all of the things you are doing this week. After all, a girl has to keep up on the news!
Blessings to everyone -
Hi Eloise,
You sure know the best way to spend Sunday morning! And blueberry muffins! What a lucky girl you are! Zip doesn't make me blueberry muffins.
Hi to your Mom. I hope part of her busy schedule for the week includes a trip to Chambersburg.
Stay warm and dry!
Hi Doris,
Thank-you for your sweet comments on my blog! I see Eloise(love that name) is all comfy and cozy on a rainy day! It is snowing to beat the band here today. I enjoy reading other rug hooker's blogs so much! There is no one to hook with me here yet so essentially you gals are my group! I must say it is growing by leaps and bounds it's hard to keep up with all the blogs! I will be checking yours to see what you are up to. Keep up the fine job and let Eloise know I enjoy her take on life as well! Blessings to you Doris! Cathy G
So good you got hold of your Mom's keyboard Eloise - good to see and hear from you - You are right - my boys are all snuggled in this rainy day but maybe be older than Jonesy you can tell him how there is better places to park his behind then on his Mom's hooking frame when she wants to use it!
What a treat - bones and blueberry muffins!
wheww... sure hope my new little puppy ellie learns to sleep at 8:00 a.m. she does pretty well but thinks her day starts at 3:30-4:30.. I count it a priveledge is she waits till 4:30... she barks and barks and makes a rucus till I get up!! does it get any better!! LOL!! I will post some pics soon ... she is a little chug .. Im sure you would love her!
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