I'm ashamed that I have so neglected my blog. Christmas has come and gone and I just have been in a lull period about everything. Guess the let down got to me.
I attended the local ATHA guild meeting last Saturday. It was great to see so many turn out. Everyone was so busy working on their rug and talking, that even tho we have extended the time by 1 hour, our time to meet was up before we all realized it. All seem to be working on big projects - many are working on the rug that they started with Cynthia Norwood.
Speaking of the workshop, I have finished my workshop project, My House Sampler Rug, and I am very pleased with the results. I especially like the background and the fact that I was able to modify it to make it look like the house was sitting on slightly darker ground. All in all a very satisfying project. I spent time yesterday working on the overcast edge and hope to finish that part today. My goal is to have the binding and another steaming done by Sunday so that I can take it to Gettysburg on Monday for "show and tell."
As you can tell I am a novice with the camera. My Santa brought it to me for Christmas - I was sure lucky or very good, I don't know which. I am just learning how to put pictures on this blog - that is why they are at the top instead of in the text. Hope to have them in the text by the next blog entry.
Mother nature has outdone herself with this ice storm. As I sit to the computer I can look out my front window. My yard is ringed with pine trees all of which are laden with ice. Looks like fairy land - but - I'm sure it is hard on the trees. We have lost many limbs in the past but so far all looks good this time.
It's time to get started on my day so I will stop for now. I hope all keep dry and warm and have a wonderful day.