Last Thursday I went to the Grant Street hook-in. It was the first time I had been able to go for about a month. It is always a delightful time with good friends and lots of companionship. Hooking with friends is such a delightful time. There is nothing as soothing as being with hooking friends.
On Sunday Jill K. came to consult with me on her teaching project. Jill will be taking her second year of teacher's training later this month. One of her assigments was to prepare a three day lesson plan for a hooking workshop. We went over the plan and fortunately I was able to point out a few things to her that she had not thought of and to suggest a few changes that would make the plan more feasible. In addition to that, Jill had to color plan a primitive rug. She is primarily a traditional hooker and I was able to help with this project. She has selected some lovely wools to do this rug with. Part of the homework from her first year of training was to hook 3 different types of small pieces. Pictured below is one of her pieces that she will be taking with her to show her teachers.
I want to thank everyone that has called and e-mailed my mom about my condition. Yes, I was operated on last Friday. The surgery went well and I also had my teeth cleaned. (makes better breath, you know!). I am being very good, holding still for my eye drops and taking my medicine. My mom is putting my pills in chicken and roast beef - so why would'nt I take it?? I also am sleeping quite a lot and mom seems to think it is a reaction to the meds. I will go back in about 14 days to have the stitches taken out of my eye. The vet has done a very good job and my eye is not distorted as he thought it might be. In the meantime, mom is staying home with me to make sure that I don't rub my stitches because if I do I have to wear that awful plastic collar thing that looks like a cone head. She is doing a lot of hooking and a lot of belly rubbing which is making me happy. I want to thank all of my friends, especially Margaret and Pat, for caring about me.
Hey Doris, I have a LOT more worms. Want some lol? Your students scroll is very pretty. Nice work!
Glad to hear that Eloise is doing well. I'm sure she is loving the extra attention you are giving her. Hope she heals really quick!
Oh, Eloise!!! You little darling! It's not fun to have surgery, but the good part is now you and Mom get to spend lots of quality time together. Pssst! (I'm whispering in your ear) If you look really sad with those big brown eyes you get a lot more sympathy and better treats!
Jill seems to be doing a wonderful job with her certification training. With you as a mentor how could she not!!!
You and Eloise have a good week!
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