She did it again! Mother Nature gave us 31 inches of snow last Friday and Saturday and now another 14 to 18 inches Tuesday and Wednesday. Will spring never come??
This first picture is looking out my front door. These iciciles are hanging over the door.
This is the bird feeder on the front railing. If you look closely in the middle of the feeder there is a small black spot. This is the tail of a Junko shoveling the snow off of the feed. I felt really sorry for the little fellow - he was such a hard worker.

Meanwhile, in the house, things are also happening. I have finished the rug that I started in November with Cynthia Norwood at the Howard County Arts Center. I love the background of this rug. It is 6 different shades of wine and is really a beauty. The pictures do not do the color justice.

I don't know why the greens look so washed out. Believe me they are vibrant and lovely with the rest of the colors.

I made a few adustment to the design of the rug. I added another group of leaves in the bottom center of the rug instead of using the design heart. Also, since I consider this to be a floral rug I removed the distelfinks located in the four corners of the rug and extended the tulips in their place. This made the rug more pleasing to me.

I used five different paisleys in the rug as well as number 5, 6, 8, 9 and hand cut material.

This was truly a fun project. As soon as I began to put the background in I knew that I would love the rug. I'm sorry that the pictures do not show the true beauty of the background.
So on to the next project. While I am getting my head "wrapped around" a pictorial that I intend to do, I am working on my scraps rug. This rug is being made from a lot of the #3 left over cut strips accululated over the years. It is what I call a "no think" rug.
I hope that all of you rug artists out there are keeping warm and dry. We certainly have had our share of winter weather. In the mean time, it is great weather for hooking, reading and just relaxing.
Eloise and I keep looking for spring. Here she is in the window watching the neighbors and hoping that spring is just around the corner.

We both send our good thooughts and blessings your way. Keep those hooks moving!
Hi Doris,
What a splendid rug!!! The colors are wonderful! Just perfect! I can imagine how much fun it was to create such a masterpiece.
In fear of being shot, I have said I like snow. But enough is ENOUGH!!! This is above and beyond! We are right now still in the midst of a blizzard. I'm ready to crawl into bed and stay there till it melts!
Take care and try to stay warm!
Doris, That rug looks gorgeous and I bet it is even 10 time more gorgeous in real life. How did you like that post of mine??? I was just looking through my vacation pictures and remembering when it was warm, balmy, sunny, etc. You remember too, right Doris? IS IT EVER GOING TO BE THAT WAY AGAIN????????? Between Rick, Aaron and I we are all ready to go hooty-gazooty camped out in the living room. I hid all the dangerous objects in the room today just in case one of us goes over the edge!!!! Hang in there and tell Eloise to stop looking outside and have her mother put on some island music and make her a mock margarita.
Linda - when I played bridge with the man from Manchester, England he said the cureall was a gin and "tonsey" - suggest you all try it - will it calm the nerves? I don't know but I bet it tastes good!!!!
Beautiful rug Doris - what a nice thing to see on a day where I'm seeing only white! Did Eloise find Spring - if so send some mine way - we are buried over here!
Glad you finished your rug and posted for all to see Doris. Great job!
Oh my Beautiful rug. I love them both, the last one reminds me of a quilt pattern. Amazing and with such a small cut. Great work/fun
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