On Saturday, the Boonsboro chapter of ATHA sponsored a workshop given by Jane Halliwell Green, at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center in Shepherdstown, W. Va. What a wonderful place to have a workshop. The room was well lighted, the chairs were very confortable, a must for an all day workshop. The staff was cordial and cooperative and the food was delicious. What more could a hooker ask?? Not much but we got much more in the person of Jane Halliwell Green.
Pictured below are some of the works of hers that she shared with us. This first piece was a small pictorial but a very interesting one. Birch trees are among the hardest to portray in hooking.
A wonderful magnolia done with very wide strips and beautifully shaded.
This colorful butterfly with lattice work really caught my eye.
A very large rug done with wide strips - an ode to Merlot wine! A girl after my own heart!!!!!
This is Jane telling us about this lovely rug. How to do such a rug and how to prepare the strips for hooking.

Here she is with me magnolia rug - the whole class was very interested in this piece.

She brought several tables of interesting wool for us to peruse. Many of the attendees went home with armloads of wool.

Look at the color specturm of these wools. Some of the highest chromas that you will ever see and yet so beautiful to behold. Wonderful to hook with. Love the purples!

This is the piece that I started. I am very unhappy with what I accomplised. I never hook very well in a group setting. I am to busy listening to what the teacher is saying and looking at all of the wool available. I seem to loose my concentration. I will take some of this out and start again as I sit quietly in my hooking room and think about the things that Jane had to say about the sunflower.
I was so glad that Pat and Linda came down from Chambersburg to take this workshop. I do hope that they enjoyed the day. It was their first experience with the Boonsboro hookers. Getting to meet some new people and also to meet Jane. I had invited them to stay for dinner but after a long day of driving and hooking they were both very tired as was I. Sooooo, I shoved all of the food that I had prepared for our dinner back into the freezer with the exception of the macroni and cheese dish. I baked it for my Sunday dinner and it turned out so pretty I could not resist. I took a picture of it. See what you missed Pat and Linda? Maybe next time.
All in all, Saturday was a great day. I enjoyed the teacher, the surroundings and the companionship of my fellow rug makers. I hope that all of you get a chance to share the experience of a workshop of this kind. In the meantime, have a wonderful week, keep yourselfs well and enjoy your family and each other.
That mac and cheese does look good!!! Pat and I had a wonderful time too and we are so sorry we pooped out on you yesterday. Don't misplace that rain-check. I think your piece looks great that you hooked, but IIIIIIIIIIIII know!!! I just hope you don't start reverse hooking like someone else we all know..............
Hi Doris,
Wasn't it a delightful day?!
All the fun just wore me out! But isn't it nice to become tired simply by enjoying oneself? hahaha!
Dinner looks yummy. I am so sorry we were too tired to stay and enjoy it. I do hope you will be kind enough to invite us back after we are rested.
Thanks so much for inviting us to the workshop!
Spacify offers a wide selection of quality Wool Rug to decorate your home
Doris ~
Thank you for sharing! Looks like a great time was had by all.
I'd love to try your mac 'n cheese. It looks very yummy!
Pug hugs :)
Thanks for the rug show Doris - looks like you and the girls had a great day!
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