Altho today is cloudy and a promise of rain is in the air, I'm comvinced that spring has arrived. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day with a bit of chill in the air but just perfect for working outside.

This clump of daffadils is just one of several located in the front yard. Depending on how much sun they have received they are in different stages of bloom throughout the yard. A sure harbenger of spring.

I love this one. It is one of many under the pine trees and has this beautiful orange cup.

The cleanup began yesterday. This is Richard raking out the Iris bed along with his helper. After raking was completed, they spread 25 bags of mulch. Just a beginning as less than half of the beds were covered.

Danyel raking along beside Richard wearing her brand new "Frostburg" sweat shirt. She is off to Frostburg this fall and we shall miss her smile and sense of humor on a daily basis.

These flats contain Brussel Sprouts and Kahlrobai both of which got planted yesterday. It is always good to get the garden started. I did not walk down to see but Richard tells me that the peach tree is ready to burst its blooms. I know that the Magnolia tree in the front yard is ready to bloom. The outer shells of the blossoms have receded and the beautiful deep pink of the bloom is visible.

Mr. Tree continues to overlook the front yard. He seems to get "craggier" every year. There is a special charm about his look as he seems to be the foreman of it all!
In the meantime, Eloise is enjoying the sunny days immensely. She loves to lay in the sunshine. All week long she has been taking sun baths on the deck and has been reluctant to come in. All is right in her world as it is in mine.
Hope all of you are enjoying this wonderful time of year. Get outside, put your hands in the dirt and become one with mother nature. It's a great feeling after the long, snowy winter months.
I leave you with this thought -
Nothing in life is to be feared,
It is only to be understood.
Marie Curie
Hi Doris,
Your cheerful post just made my day!
The daffodill with the orange cup is lovely! Mr. Tree does seem to get more handsome every year.
Here's to more warm sunny weather for sitting on the deck with Eloise!
Yes I too think spring has arrived. Your garden sounds like it will be a sight of pleasure also. You are so fortunate to have the help.
Enjoy your spring
Doris.... hte daffodils are beautiful and I do agree I love the one with the orange cup!! GOD is so good to give us sooo many beautiful things to enjoy... I bet you and eloise will be living on the deck this year!! I may come and join you with Ellie!!! ;)
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