Last Saturday the Boonsboro Chapter of Atha met at the Boonsboro Library and I dropped in for a short time. I'm sorry there are no pictures of that group - I forgot my camera! I stayed only a short time because my family was getting together to spend the day and have a luncheon together. It proved to be a delightful day with lots of laughs. I often think that my grandson missed his calling - should have been a standup comedian. Pictured below is my great grand daughter Danyel and my daughter Joan.
On Monday I went to the Blue and Gray meeting in Gettysburg. This is the first time the group has met since December. A death in the family and all of the snow has kept us at bay. The turnout was great! Everyone so glad to be together again and wait until you see the rugs on display. We have all been so busy creating beautiful rugs.
Now for the rug show!
When I see all of these wonderful projects it makes me want to come home and hook, hook, hook. It is so inspirational to go to this group. The projects are always interesting and the members are so nice. This group of ladies truly personifies what a hooking group is all about - caring and sharing.
We missed Ann, one of the founders of this group. We all hope you are feeling better and will be with us next month.
I hope that you have enjoyed this little rug show and that it gives you incentive to keep that hook moving across the backing. I have a busy week - car in the shop for a complete check-up, have to get stitches out of Eloise's eye and am teaching a dyeing workshop on Saturday. Sooooooo until next time I hope all of you are taking advantage of this beautiful weather and looking forward to spring.
Sounds like you had a great few days there Doris - as always - thanks for the pics - always nice to see what others are working on! HOpe Eloise is okay
Doris, Looked like a wonderful hook-in. I can't wait to visit the Blue and Gray. The red rose rug is absolutely gorgeous. The one with the autumn scene with the Round Barn is hooked by Joan Strasbaugh. I got to see it in person and it is very, very nice!
Hope you had fun Thursday and will talk to you later.
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