It seems to me that it has been a long time since I updated my blog. Life has been busy and I seem to have had a period of time when I didn't know what to say - so I am going to try to catch all of you up on what I have been doing during this period of time.
First, I went to Gettysburg to the Blue and Gray meeting several weeks ago. I posted many of the pictures of that meeting since a nice rug show was taking place. However, I missed two pictures that I thought were particularly nice.

I love this Santa and wish I could tell you who hooked it but I don't remember its owner. Very nice piece.

This cat hooked by Yovnne Miller and finished by Nancy P is a sure winner. Nancy made it into a purse that is stunning. A steller piece.
On Saturday, the 13th of March I held a dyeing workshop in my home. It was well attended and we had a lot of fun. The girls liked it so much that they requested another dyeing workshop which I have scheduled for Tuesday, April 6th. I know that many of you work and can't make workshops during the week but this group of ladies is free during the week and perfer week-day courses.
Here are some of them at the stove. We had a lot of fun during this day and I was so pleased with the enthusiasm of the group. One of the nicest groups I have had in a workshop.
The colors in this picture are not particularly good but this is the result of our dyeing. Open kettle for an interesting background. Stocking dyeing to take care of those left over wooley worms and two types of jar dyeing. Each student gets a kit with a sample of everything that we dyed that day.
Then on to Chambersburg for the Thursday hook-ins. Here is Gertie, a brand new hooker working away on her piece with sheep and a tree. A great beginner piece.
Note the big bag and large basket - all filled with wooley worms. Lots of choice of color there!

This is a strange picture. What they are all doing is stiffeling laughter. Marion was reading a book from the library that she was regaling us with. We were all in stitches.
I attended the meeting of the Mason-Dixon ATHA Chapter this month. The program, given by Ivi Collier was most interesting. It was a discussion of her Abraham Lincoln rug, which has won many prizes, and a discussion of A. Lincoln's life. Truly worth the ride to Ellicott City.
In addition, I attended the meeting of the Boonsboro ATHA Chapter. They will be manning a booth at the Mason-Dixon Quilt Show at the Hagerstown Community College, April 16, 17, and 18. A request was made that we each make and contribute some advertising cards. These are small hookings the size of a playing card that the name and address of a contact person for the chapter can be affixed to the back of. I had done some of these many years ago and so was familiar with the process. What I had forgotten was the amount of time it takes to do them!!. Anyway, I managed to get 10 hooked and was determined to get them finished yesterday. I spent the afternoon steaming, fray checking, cutting and mounting them. I am pleased with the results. Here is an overall view of my contribution.
I took this one close-up shot so that you can get the idea of what they really look like.
Just the right size to attach a business card to the back.
Sorry I didn't get to the big hook-in in Lancaster this past Saturday but I knew that I didn't have the stamina for such a long day. The reports of the affair that I have received deemed it ot be a great success with a larger turnout than expected. Hope that everyone had a good time and that all of you were inspired by the rug show.
I am planning to go to Chambersburg this Thursday, weather permitting. I am feeling very pushed to get some of my projects finished. I have finished the Amish rug that I started with C. Norwood. Yes, Kathy it is finished, label and all! I am putting the border on my large scraps rug and soon another project will be finished. I am not allowing myself to start anything new until 2 have been finished. The discipline is killing me!
I hope that all are enjoying this wonderful warm spring like weather. The "daffydills" are all a bloom in my front yard. Gives me hope of a beautiful spring.
I wish all of you good health and good fortune until we meet again