My hooking room, like most rooms has four walls (lol). Four very messy walls!
Early in May I decided that I would take the summer off and get myself in order. That is, I wouldn't teach during the summer and I would take the summer to do some of the hooking projects that I had in mind for some time , and that I would reorganize my hooking room. Easier said than done! Well, I got my black and white study started and about half done when I hurt my leg. As you know, I have really been lame for the past month - soooo no hooking room clean up. BUT, I HAVE STARTED - whopee!!!!
This first photo shows my "work table." Please tell me how anyone in their right mind could work on this table??? In addition to the table on this wall there is a bookcase (not shown) and my Queen Anne hooking chair.
Same wall - absolute chaos!!!!!
I am glad to report that my leg is much better. I was able to go to the grocery by myself on Friday altho I could not carry in my own groceries. Still it is much better and I hope to out among you before long. I am extremely grateful to Barb and Traci for all of the help and offers to do things for me, that they have made during this trying time. Thanks again, I don't know what I would do without friends like you.
Hey Doris, Looking at your pictures, I had the tune "Memories" playing in my head lol. I know the feeling. It's looking great though! You'll be so happy when you know where everything is and it's all organized. Take your time with it. Nice that you have had some help too! Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Perhaps we'll see you at Linda and Pat's sometime soon!!!!
I have been reorganizing my whole house!! So i know the feeling! Do you have a class schedule made yet?
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