When my friend Traci was here last week we talked about going to the Grant Street Hook-in this Thursday. It worked out that both of us could go, so lunches packed, hooking in tow, off we went this morning about 9:00. We knew that we had to be home in time to get Traci's boys from the school bus about 3 o'clock. We arrived at Grant street and Rick kindly took us up to the second floor in the elevator - always a great experience on the freight elevator! Linda arrived about 5 minutes later and the chatter and fun began.

Traci got to work right away. That is, she set up her frame, how much hooking she got done is questionable. Please note the size of the ice tea container she brought with her. Within a few minutes of our set-up, in came Sandy and Jack. Sorry I didn't get any pictures of them. Sandy is doing 4 chair seats with a different fruit in the center of each. She needed the background (black) for all four seat covers. After much hemming and hawing she finally decided on a black with a slight blue stripe in it. Very pretty wool.

Linda was telling us about a class for beginners that she is planning to have. It is a mitten with a pumpkin design in the center. Here she is putting the design on "crack" so that she can transfer it to the backing and make up the kits. Sounds very interesting and I think that it would be fun not only for beginners but for all of us.

Next to arrive were Marion and Pat. Marion is working on a small wall hanging. She has finished her eagle rug but did not bring it to show. Pat is still working on her checker board and it is really coming along. The two of them had a long winded discussion of how smart crows and other birds can be. It sometimes gets very "intellectual" at the wool-works!

Next to arrive were Kathy and her friend Joanne. Kathy is "inspecting" Marion and Pat's work and getting into the conversation.

Joanne arrives loaded down with bags and other "things." Note Traci's ice tea jug - who drinks a gallon of iced tea???

Joanne has her frame that swivels and is like the one that I have just purchased from Linda. Here she has just finished erecting the frame from it's folded position. She also has the stand. which I had not seen before. This is a nifty bit of engineering. It folds up into practically nothing.

Joanne unfolded the frame and put the whole thing together with just a few turns of 3 different knobs in about 30 seconds. Honestly, these frames get better and better all of the time. One of the bundles that Joanne carried is shown below. It'going, going fast.
This cake was so moist and yummy - almost beyond belief! The icing was like pure heaven, light as a feather. Thank you Joanne, we all enjoyed your gift to us. Also we were assured that there were no calories involved.

Even Bo and Louie get to taste the cake!
My friend Traci was born and raised in Hagerstown and knows where everything is. It amazes me that whenever she goes any place she goes "around red robins barn" to get there. Going to the Grant Street Woolworks she took the "long way around" - so I suggested to her that we come home my way. She agreed as we got closer to Hagerstown that I had the right idea about how to get to Chambersburg. We did just fine until we got to Northern Ave. and discovered that Eastern Ave. was closed. We had to go to Potomac st and thru downtown Hagerstown - what a mess - to get home - so we had lost all of the time that we made by going the shorter way. I'm sure that "Murphy's Law" had something to do with this. However, we were in time to get the boy's from the school bus, so all was well.
Traci and I agreed that we had had such a nice day that we will surely do this again as soon as possile. Any of you who don't go to these Thursday hook-in's are really missing a good time - good companship - good fellowship - good friendship. Come join us next Thursday.
Quote of the day:
Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form.
Bette Midler
Doris...i saw this post yesterday and i was so confused!! I was like "Is today Friday???" i got all confused on my days because you posted so quickly when you got home. Looks like lots of fun! I wish i could come up during the days..but working keeps me from being able to do that! I have set some goals to accomplish things with my paychecks so maybe i will be able to quit work some day soon!
Doris, was good to see you and Tracy yesterday. Sorry we didn't get to chat. But very happy your leg is feeling better. Hope to see you agian soon.
Doris - so nice to see you again! Next time I will try to get there earlier so I can see what you are working on and chat a bit!
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