What a weekend. So much to do and so little time! My last blog told of my Saturday "doings" so here's how Sunday went.
Our neighborhood celebrates Labor day with a gathering at Margaret and Gil's house. These are my neighbor's 2 doors away. We all contribute some food and drink and the pot luck is always amazing.
So when I got up Sunday morning the first thing on my agenda was to get going in the kitchen. I had volunteered to bring deviled eggs and a carrot/pineapple salad. By the time I had taken care of Eloise, prepared the food and cleaned the kitchen it was noon. I decided that if I was going to party better rest a bit, so I worked the Sunday crossword puzzle and just read for a bit.
The party began at 5:30. Not everyone comes but we had a turnout of about 22 and since this is a small group of houses that was an excellent response.

There were 3 tables laden with food - enough to feed an army.

The purpose of the gathering is to see those you haven't seen all summer and to catch up on the news.

The lady to the left of this picture is our 92 year old neighbor. She still drives herself to church each sunday and participates in all of the neighborhood activities. A real sweetheart!

Just relaxing!

Our host in the red shirt. The white haired gentlemen is one of my immediate neighbors. He is the one that put my mail box back together after the snow plow knocked it off of the post. Such a good neighbor and friend.

Our hostess Margaret, getting ready tp take some pictures. Margaret is a breast cancer survivor and is more active than most. Her greatest pride in life is her horse, an Arabian mare.

The host family's son is at the head of the table. He is the chief cook on the grill. Cooks the hamburgers, sausage and other goodies to order.

The couple facing the camera are my immediate neighbors, that is, across the 3 acres of my pasture. They are both educators working in the Frederick County educational system. The beautiful blonde young lady is their 17 year old daughter. She is a senior in high school, an excellent horse woman. She rides on a team of young people that represent the United States all over the world. She has been to Norway, spent 3 weeks this summer in Australia and will be going to Ireland in the next few weekss to represent us in a riding event. What a wonderful experience for one so young. She will be off to college next year.
All in all, a great time was had by all. This is a great neighborhood. We all care for one another. This gathering is a sign that summer is over, vacations are done with, school has started again, and now it is time to catch up with each other, get back to our normal routines, and think about getting out our winter clothes.
I hope all of you had a great labor day. I sure did - altho it be a bit busy. I'm not ready for winter clothes or fall house cleaning. I want to enjoy this wonderful cool and sunny weather for a while longer. Keep your spirits up and appreciate this wonderful country in which we live.
Until next time, be kind to one another.
Doris ~
What a wonderful neighborhood you live in! Lucky you to even know all your neighbors.
Your 17 year old neighbor is having the most wonderful life experiences that will be with her the rest of her life. What a fine young lady she must be.
I'm not ready for winter clothes yet, either. In fact, I am NEVER ready for them!!!
Pug hugs :)
Hi Doris,
It's such a nice thing that all of you in the neighborhood get together and share food and friendship! That's the way it should be!!!
Hope your week (oh, it's almost over already!) is going well!
Will I see you Monday at Blue and Gray???
What a wonderful way to spend the holiday. It sounds like a perfect neighborhood to be a part of. Sadly most of us do not get to enjoy that level of support and friendship in our neighborhoods. But I am happy to know that it still exists.
Great having good neighbors - lucky you! And also wonderful to have a handyman around! Enjoy this weekend!
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