On Monday the regular monthly meeting of the Blue and Gray hooking group met in Gettysburg, Pa. During the summer month's I always expect that fewer people come to any and all meetings. Summer is such a busy time, gardening, vacationing, kids out of school and a million and one things to get done in the nice weather. However the Blue and Gray hookers are a dedicated bunch and the turnout was very good for this time of year.

Here are Pat D. and Dolorus working hard at their hooking. Pat is the head of the Bucketstown Rug Camp to be held in October in Maryland. She is one busy lady!

A general overall picture of the group. This group of ladies is the happiest hooking group. There is always lots of laughter, jokes galore and just plain good fun!

This is Becky's rug. Becky comes all of the way from East Berlin to attend these meetings. She has done a great job on this rug. I especially like what she has done in the corners.

This is Brenda's stained glass window rug. She started this rug with Norma Batastini just a short while ago and here it is finished already. It turned out beautifully. It is a gift for a friend - don't you wish you were the friend?

This rug was brought in to show by Nancy. It was hooked in 1968 and sold at a yard sale for $25.00. Can you imagine finding a bargin like that?? It has been folded in the middle since it is quite a long runner and as a result there are several very small holes in the rug. Nancy is going to find out about having it repaired. I looked at the holes and feel that it is an easy repair - EXCEPT - for matching the background wool. That always is a problem in any repair of a rug that has had a chance to mellow.

This is Joan's beautiful and different rug. The colors in this rug are soft and lovely. It is expertly hooked and a beauty to behold.

I believe this rug is Joyce's . Please don't hold it against me if I am wrong. I do know that Peg helped put the design on the backing but forget just who did the hooking. Again another great job with lots of attention to the details in the design.
Monday turned out to be a great day even tho it was hot as blazes. I had a really nice time at the B&G group and loved all of the rugs shown that day. On my way home I stopped at the grocery and picked up a few things I needed. I was going to the Mason/Dixon Chapter of ATHA on Tuesday - it was there annual pot luck luncheon meeting along with interesting speaker. By the time I got home, took care of Eloise, made potato salad for the next days luncheon, read the news paper, worked the crossword puzzles I was one pooped pigeon.
On my next blog I will tell you about the luncheon meeting, show pictures of the rugs at that gathering. All in all, a most interesting week, and I have yet to think about going to Grant Street Woolworks on Thursday!!!
Even tho it's summer, lots of hooking things to do. I have finished my Kris Kringle piece and am putting the binding on it. I am hoping to have that and another piece that needs binding, finished in time to enter them in the Md. State Fair.
I'm busy, busy, busy.
Hi Doris,
I'm glad you took pictures. I only took one and then started talking...and never stopped! LOL!
Will look forward to seeing the ATHA pics. I know they will be wonderful as usual.
Isn't it amazing how tiring it can be to have fun socializing?
I wish I lived out there and could attend one of your groups! It looks like you are having so much fun! The rugs are all wonderful! I was especially trying to look at Pat's but couldn't get a good look! LOL I know it's the secret challenge rug! Can't blame a girl for trying! Thanks for taking photos and posting Doris! It's a busy summer and I know it's hard to squeeze everything in! Great job! Cathy G
Hi Doris,
I just wanted to answer your question about the chocolate mint. It is a type of mint plant of which I believe their are many types and scents. I have spearmint which has a nice peppermint type smell. The chocolate mint is a very strong flavored and smelling mint with kind of a chocolate background scent. I am going to try and dry the leaves and use them to flavor desserts or maybe some brownies! We'll see how that turns out! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I hope you and Eloise have a great week! Cathy G
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