It's that time of year again. The beautiful fall harvest of pumpkins, fancy corn and gourds has arrived. Time to begin looking for the wooley bear worms to see if the winter will be cold or mild.

This hanging arrangement is on my kitchen door and is my welcoming sign to those coming to see Eloise and me.
The chimney sweeps are coming this afternoon to clean my two chimney's and get my wood stoves ready for the coming season. It sure feels mighty nice to have a wood stove going on the cold fall mornings. It is wonderful to drink your first cup of coffee in front of the stove - especially since I have an arrangement where I can watch the flames.
This is a week of chores. Downtown this morning to the drug store to pick up some medicine and get a few things at the grocery - no food - just those cleaning products that always seem to get used up - necessary but not much fun.

Part of the arrangement on my dining table. I intend to prepare the butternut squash for some nice pies for the winter but until I get them ready to cook they look great as part of the centerpiece.
Sadly, the last of the tomatoes and squash have been harvested from the garden. When I think of Maryland, I think of tomatoes, sweet corn and crabs! All are past their prime now but oh! what wonderful memories of the goodies of this past summer. Now it's time to put the vegetable garden to sleep for the winter.
We put the lily beds. magnolia trees, and rhoda's to bed for the winter last weekend by cleaning and heavily mulching them. The new iris roots were planted by "Mr. Tree" and should bloom this next spring.
I want to thank my friend Linda for putting Pogo on my computer. I have spent many happy hours playing bridge with other bridge nuts like me. Most of my partners have been great and certainly understanding when I have made a mistake. Bridge must be like riding a bike, you never forget, just get a little rusty. The rust is wearing off and the old desire to be competitive is showing its ugly face! A good pastime for cold winter days!
Tomorrow will be a cleaning day and no doubt I will find a few more stink bugs, altho they seem to have slowed down their appearance. Thursday is another day at the doctors office to see what is going on with my blood count. If it doesn't take to long I will go to Chambersburg to hook with the Grant Street Group.
If you want to put some beauty in your life go to the blog named Pugs and Hugs. The pictures of the church that is going to be dismantled are absolutely georgous! What a wonderful place to worship in - so sad to close it down.
Quote of the day -
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.
elizabeth bibesco