On Saturday I taught my stitches workshop at the Grant Street Woolery in Chambersburg. It was attended by 5 ladies from Pittsburgh, 1 lady from Virginia and Pat and Linda, both living in Pennsylvania. What a nice group!

This is Jill and several of the ladies from Pittsburg. The Pittsburg group call themselves the "Wooley Weavers." It is a social group of 6 (only 5 could come on Saturday) that meets once a month, taking turns in each others houses.

Here is Jill - her usual intent self. She always works so hard in a workshop. By Mid-afternoon she said the tension of trying to get everything done had gotten to her so she walked around, ate a cookie and felt much better.

Luncheon was included in the price of the workshop. Look at this spread! Linda's hospitality knows no bounds. We had a sumpious lunch and later cookies and more fruit to break up the afternoon.

Bo smelled the food and came to lunch. He is adorable and everybodies friend. It you go to the woolery make sure he isn't in you car when you leave. He loves to ride. I hope when you looked at this picture you got a good look at Linda's feet - fancy slippers! A really formal affair!

The two ladies in the foreground are Nancy and Eileen. Everyone was so diligent about this project that we got 7 stitches accomplished and nearly everyone got their large sheep hooked and several of the ladies got theirs sculpted. Good job done by all.

Pat and Linda hard at work. Pat e-mailed me the next day and said that she had hooked all evening until her hands were sore. Most of the day Linda wore her glasses between her nose and upper lip. I didn't know that noses could be near sighted. See, you learn something new every day!
All in all, there there lots of laughs, lots of comments and I do believe that a good time was had by all. In my opinion, it was one of the most successful and best fun of all of the workshops I have taught this spring.
The ladies from Pittsburg were going on to the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival on Sunday and would probably not go home until Monday. I only wish that the weather had been nicer for them.
Now for news of the home front. On Saturday while I was teaching, Richard and Danyel came and planted the 2 new azalias that I have purchased. They worked on a fence that needed a bit of help and laid out the vegetable garden sections, covered them with that black stuff and now the garden is ready to go if it ever stops raining and gets warm. Daughter Joan came during the afternoon and played with Eloise so that when I got home she was tired out and ready for her dinner. All in all a very good day.
My thought for this blog is as follows:
One thing you can give and still keep is your word.
Happy hooking, one and all. I hope we can all get rid of the mildew and not rot away. Have a good week.
1 comment:
Hey Doris! Nice turn out for your class. That is wonderful!
Can't imagine a dull time at Linda's. Glad everyone enjoyed your stitches....
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