I think I should complete Thanksgiving before moving on. Every year my daughter and her husband go to his mothers for the Thanksgiving feast. I go to granson Richard's house where I enjoy the feast with Richard's wife, Sheri, her family and their assorted friends. This year was a very special year as far as I was concerned. You will notice that I have only two pictures, I was just to busy enjoying myself.

This is not a good picture but it is all I have. The redhead with
her back to the camera is Sheri, the young lady
standing is daughter Lisa and the lady
in pink is Sheri's mother.
The house was full to overload with 22 in all plus
two dogs and two cats!
It made for a lot of food, a lot of chatter, and must fun
and laughter.

The young lady in blue in this picture is my oldest grandchild, Karen,
We rarely get to see Karen, as she is a single mother,
working, and living in Southern Maryland, some
2-1/2 hours away. She brought with her, her two sons.
The youngest, Cameron, I had seen 4 years ago at the age of 12.
At that time he was the ordinary "brat" that most twelve year-olds are
but at 16 is a young gentlemen. It is always amazing to me
what an immature mind with raging harmones is like. It also amazes me that as the young person matures into the harmones and the
brain begins to work how amazingly wonderful
our young people turn out. I often think that at age 30-35 they
revert to the 12 year old again but that
probably is environmental.
The joy of the day for me is that I met her older son, D.J.
short for Darren Jr.
He is now 23 years old and this is the first time I have ever seen my oldest grandson. As they say, "due to circumstances beyond
my control," I had never seen this young man.
He, too, is a fine gentlemanly young man. He is on
the verge of trying his wings and will be leaving the
shelter of his home shortly after the first of the
year to try his wings.
Sorry I don't have pictures but as I said I was just
so busy talking and enjoying myself I totally forgot about the
Just before Thanksgiving and in the few days that have followed I have begun cooking for our Christmas dinner. I always cook ahead, storing whatever I can in the freezer. I really like to enjoy watching the opening of the small gifts on Christmas and do not want to miss everything by being in the kitchen. I consider it "storing my nuts." I thought that now that Richard's three girls all have "very important others" that they would no longer want to come to Gma's for Christmas so I had originally planned on 9 for dinner. However, I have been informed that they wouldn't miss if for the world, so the ranks have risen 15 for dinner. I not sure how the math got that way but it sure did. Soooooooo, some of the things I have already made need to be made again in order to have enough. As a result I have decided to skip several hooking opportunities this month, including the Cumberland Valley hooking group in Chambersburg.
Speaking of hooking. I am still getting in a few hours of hooking on the
new project that I started with Cynthia Norwood. All of my hooking career I have worked with a #3 cut or have done hand cutting if I was working on a primitive design. I am hooking this new project with a #8 cut and loving every monute of it. The pieces is called "Adam and Eve in the Garden Dwelt."

The two upper corners have angels watching over
the procedings. I have only hooked this one and have
used 3 different dark blue wools in the background.

This is a closeup of the angel. She turned out so ugly as I hooked
her that she is delightfully cute and I
wouldn't change a loop for anything!

This is bit of the center of the piece. I am extremely
pleased with the serpent. He is hooked of two
different paisley's and really stands out as he should!
I am disappointed that the background does not
show up in the picture. It probably is to neutral in
color but is hooked of 8 different fabrics and
really is beautiful. I also find that hooking backgrounds
this way, not only enhances the piece, but keeps
the background from being boring and makes
it a joy to hook.
I have decided not to decorate the house until about The 10th of Dcember. I like to leave my decorations up until the 12th day as I am a 12th day child. It seems to me that taking them down just before Epiphany is appropriate,
I'm sure it was an epiphany for my parents to realize on the 12th day that they had a girl child. They had a boy child 5 years earlier and now their family was complete.
Now my "random thoughts" are complete for this entry to my blog. Hoping that everyone had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as I did and the days to come will bring you joy and good tidings.