Thank goodness for a my wood stoves. This has been a snowy, rainy, sleety, yucky day. The wood stove has been going great guns since early morning. It is equiped with a screen across the front so that one can enjoy watching the fire. It is a thief of time! Eloise and I really enjoy watching the flames and daydreaming in from of this stove.

I was a little short on light but perhaps you can get the idea that we really like to be warm.
I have put the wool to soak for the matrial I will need for my sculpting class in March. I plan to spend the day tomorrow in the dye pots. Also want to do some experimental dyeing. Brenda very kindly sent me a copy of the third TOD book which I did not have. I have been reading the formulas in this book and they look like they has some real possibilities. I like to "tweek" formulas and get the colors to my own liking. Tomorrow will be a busy day.
I spent Monday with my daughter Joan. We did a bit of shopping. We went to Joanne's and Michaels. I found some tote bags that I think will be suitable for adding small hooking pieces to and I think that they will make nice presents. We also located the new gift shop in Boonsboro, Nora Roberts' Inn Boonsboro Gift shop and it looks fascinating. I'll have to do more exploring of that on a day when the weather is nice.
I have completed about half of my stitches sampler. I am pleased with the results so far and hope that my students will be as pleased with theirs.
This next picture is a closeup of the sun. It is prodded. I am grateful to Cheri for the idea of clipping the ends of the prod rather than pointing or rounding them. It does look more like a sun with the ends clipped this way.

I'm hoping to finish this piece before the weekend. I would like to take it to Chambersburg on Monday to show Linda and Pat the results of Pats hard work in designing the piece. I am so pleased with the job she did for me.
Some months ago I helped my friend Traci put Mr. Iggy on a piece of burlap so that she could get hooking. She has finished the piece and he is cute .

Hope you enjoy these pictures. I get so frustrated with is Vista program. It won't hold the type face that I want to use. Please excuse the change in look. I do think that Mr Iggy is adorable and Traci has done a great job on him.
I hope everyone has had a nice day in spite of the weather. Remember, into each life a little rain must fall but if you keep smiling all will be right with the world.